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The association requires a certain percentage of members be present for the Association to hold and conduct business at the Annual Meeting. Please submit this proxy form even if you plan on attending the Annual Meeting. Select one the three choices in the form below in accordance with the following instructions.  


[A]  Assign my vote to the President of the Board of Directors. With this selection, you will assign your proxy to the President of the Board of Directors to vote on your behalf using his or her best judgment for any business that may come before the Association at the Annual Owners Meeting.


[B]  Proxy Vote Assignment. If you choose to assign your proxy to a specific association member/unit owner in good standing or a current Board Member in good standing, or any other person authorized to act as your proxy who will vote in person on your behalf at the meeting, please check (b) and enter that person's name and address where indicated. This person MUST be present at the meeting roll call or your vote WILL NOT be cast or be counted towards the quorum of the membership.

[C] Proxy to count towards the quorum. With this selection, your proxy will only count towards establishing a quorum of the membership.


If you have any questions, please contact management.

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